Stash of the Titans Video Slot Game

If you ever wanted to travel back to the times of the Greek Pantheon of Gods, your prayers have been answered! The Stash of the Titans slot machine, created by Microgaming and released just a few weeks ago, is a video slot machine that allows you to experience the grandeur of Greece when it was at the height of its power. Not only do you get to experience the mythology of the gods in Greece, but you also get a chance to experience the mythology of the Titans, their nemeses throughout the different ancient texts.

In ancient Greek mythology, the Titans were beings so powerful that they were considered greater than even the gods in their strength and they used that strength to gather treasure and hoard it for their own selfish purposes. slot Well, the treasure of the Titans can now be yours to keep when you play Stash of the Titans slot machine. Horsemen, golden treasure chests, serpents, eagles, giants, bull titans, horse titans, wolf titans and goat titans will guide you on your journey to find the treasure and claim the Stash of the Titans. Beware of the Medusa scatter symbol however which can bring you great fortune or bad luck depending on the circumstances at the time.

The graphics that Microgaming uses for the different symbols on the reels of this five-reel video slot machine are not as good as the graphics in some other games, but they still do contain a great deal of detail that many other games lack. If you’re a fan of ancient civilizations and Greek mythology, you’re definitely going to love Stash of the Titans slot machine.

Pachislo Slot Machine VS Vegas Slot Machine

A mint condition high end Pachislo with all the bells and whistles will cost about the same as a low end Vegas Slot. A low end basic Pachislo model will cost about the same as the hopper alone from a Vegas Slot.


Vegas machines are more difficult to repair than Pachislo machines, and more costly to repair as well. For example, Vegas machines require a battery. If the machine is not used for a long period of time that battery will need to be replaced. It can cost as much to replace that single battery as you will spend on a low end Pachislo.

Pachislos can sit in storage for years and have no issues… plug it back in and play. They have no batteries.

Years of Casino Use

By law, a Pachislo machine can only be used in a casino for one year, after which time it must be retired. Vegas machines are played in casinos for as long as they are working. The end buyer never knows the amount of time a particular machine was in a casino, and casino use is HARD on a slot machine.

Getting in the Machine Without a Key

The most common problem for any slot machine owner is a lost door key. If you own a Vegas slot you will need to have a good drill, knowledge of how to drill out barrel locks… or the name of a good locksmith if you lose your door key. If you lose your door key for a Pachislo there are several way to access the inside of the machine and pop the latches to the door. Once inside it’s just a matter of removing two screws, sliding out the lock and replacing it with a new lock/key for around $20.


Vegas slots can weigh upwards of 250 pounds. The average Pachislo weighs only 85 pounds. That means once you do manage to get a Vegas machine into you home and into the room you want it to stay, KEEP IT THERE. slot They are very difficult to move, which makes them difficult to take anywhere for repairs, to move from room to room of even from one end of a room to another. And when it’s time to sell the buyer can’t just lift it, set it in a car and drive off.

Pachislos are lighter and have built in handles, making them much easier to more to any location and set on any table, cabinet or stand.

Power Cord

Power cords on Vegas machines come from the bottom of the machine. Power cords on Pachislos come from the back. To use a Vegas slot you will need a special stand that can hold the weight of the machine and has holes in the bottom and back to run the cord. Pachislos are just set down, plugged and played.

What You Should Know About Online Slot Roulette

Casino players who are used to playing roulette at the tables will find that slot roulette is much the same as table roulette. The rules of the game are generally the same and the odds, to, are identical. The one major difference is that you do not have the excitement of multiple players battling to place their chips on the table before the dealer calls a halt to all betting. Other than that you can play slot roulette and enjoy the game whether it is a slot roulette game in a casino or an online slot roulette game offered by one of the virtual casinos.

situs slot online Some players do enjoy the relative serenity of playing slot roulette either at home online or in a casino. The prefer the quiet atmosphere which allows them to focus on any roulette strategy they have relative to winning at the online roulette or slot roulette games.

Once you decide to play online roulette, which is similar to slot roulette, all you need to do is ensure you have sufficient funds in your account and begin playing. The system will track your wins and losses and credit your account with all wins. Place your bets on the single numbers, columns of numbers, rows of numbers, black or red, even or odd to play the online casino game. If you should win, the slot roulette will pay all numbers that had chips placed on those spots at the casino odds associated with the specific bets that were wagered.

Slot roulette can be a lot of fun, whether you are playing free online roulette or playing roulette for real money from your account. Many players will use the slot roulette games to help them develop their online slot roulette strategy, before playing at the tables in Las Vegas or some of the other major gambling meccas.

As with the roulette tables, players can place the same types of bets on slot roulette. For example, you can bet on single numbers, rows of numbers, columns of numbers, on even or odd numbers, and black or red numbers. Many players will wager a combination of bets to try and maximize their opportunity to win while playing slot roulette. Placing wagers on several numbers and columns or colors at the same time will give them an opportunity to win more often.

How to Find the Best Paying Slot Machines in a Casino

If there is one thing you might want to do when you get to a casino to play slot machines and to win from them it is to try and find the best playing slot machines in the establishment. Finding the slot machines that give you the best payouts and the bigger chances of winning can be a bit tricky if you are new to a casino and guessing at which machines are the ones that may give you the best payouts will only end up frustrating you. There are ways for you to try and figure out which machines are the best at giving people more wins than losses and here are some tips that you may want to try:

– Observe first before you sit and play. As difficult as this may seem, you will need to exercise a bit of patience while watching others enjoy their games if you want to be able to win a lot by finding the best paying slot machines in the casino you are in. You will notice that most of the machines that give out real well are those that often have a lot of people playing them. Try to see which machines seem to give players more wins, even when these wins are small but consistent, and you will find the machines that you will want to play on slot .

– If you want to find slot machines that pay more than others, try to go to smaller casinos in casino infested areas like Vegas or Reno. Since these smaller establishments want to get their fair share of players to come in their doors instead of these people going to other bigger casinos, these places often have their machines calibrated in such a way that they pay off more than machines that are found in the bigger establishments in the same city.

– Since slot machines are considered to be one of the highest crowd drawers in these establishments and seeing people win on these machines usually entice other people to play them as well, you should find loose machines in areas where people often pass or in places with high visibility. Steer clear of machines that are hidden in corners or in places where people seldom pass. Choose machines that are in high traffic areas of the casino since these are usually the ones that are loose and are more likely to give you more wins than others.

– If you are playing slots for fun and with the small hope of winning, then you should stick with smaller denomination machines. If you are looking to win big, then you should consider higher denomination machines like the dollar and five dollar machines. Since these machines have to “earn their keep” so to speak, the smaller denomination ones have to eat more coins to get the much needed quota of coins for it to have made what it needed to make to cover for its being there. Bigger denomination machines can easily make the amount of money that is needed to cover such a quota, making it somewhat easier for players to win from them.

Why Many Avoid Online Slots

There are many people who simply will not play online slots. Are you one of them? There is nothing wrong with wanting to spend your time playing at the casino. But at the same time, you should learn a thing or two about the online world so that you do not miss out on something that could really make your day much more enjoyable. Many people begin to play online slot machines and never look back from there.

The main reason to avoid these games is that they are illegal in your part of the world. If you are not able to legally bet real money online you should head for the casino. Of course, you can always play free slots online if you get the hankering to do so. Even if this does not work for you, remember that you can learn a lot about slots via the internet. Everything from strategies to casino guides is available.

Another thing to keep in mind is that playing online slots can get boring for some people. The reason for this is that you are not actually in the middle of a casino with other people, and all the bells and whistles. Instead, it is just you and your computer. Of course, if you begin to win you will be making your own fun.

Have you been avoiding online slot machines? If so, it may be time to change your ways and give these games a try. slot You never know if you are going to fall in love with these games!

Evolusi Mesin Slot

Selama bertahun-tahun, mesin slot telah menjadi semakin populer, memungkinkan pemain untuk menikmati berjam-jam kesenangan sambil memiliki kesempatan untuk memenangkan hadiah uang tunai pada saat yang sama. Dari ‘Bandit Satu Tangan’ yang bersejarah hingga slot video yang menempati sebagian besar kasino online saat ini, permainan ini telah menyaksikan lonjakan popularitas di seluruh dunia.

Artikel ini akan membahas sejarah mesin ini dan perkembangannya dari game berbasis darat ke sensasi game internet.

Kapan Mesin Slot Diciptakan?

f Mesin slot pertama seperti yang kita kenal sekarang dapat ditelusuri kembali ke sekitar tahun 1891. Dikenal sebagai ‘Bandit Satu Tangan’, slot ini ditemukan di New York oleh Sittman dan Pitt. Dengan lima drum yang berfungsi sebagai gulungan dan tuas di samping untuk mematikannya, ia memiliki 50 simbol kartu untuk mendarat. Seperti halnya slot mesin buah modern, slot itu biasa digunakan di bar di seluruh negeri.

Slot Otomatis Pertama

Tidak lama setelah penemuan ‘One-Armed Bandit’, slot otomatis pertama ditemukan oleh seorang pria bernama Charles Fey di California, pada tahun 1895. Dengan hanya tiga gulungan, slot ini secara luas dianggap berjalan dengan mekanisme yang jauh lebih sederhana dan hanya memiliki lima simbol gulungan.

Dinamakan Liberty Bell, slot otomatis pertama ini dapat dilihat sebagai influencer untuk beberapa slot video modern saat ini yang masih menggunakan tiga gulungan dan jumlah simbol yang minimal.

Simbol gulungan

Simbol buah telah lama dikaitkan dengan slot dan ini mungkin berasal dari tahun 1907 dan penemuan mesin slot Herbert Mills. Disebut Operator Bell, Herbert Mills menciptakannya untuk menyaingi Charles Fey.

Meskipun evolusi mesin slot dan simbol gulungan terdiri dari apa saja, banyak slot video masih memilih untuk menggunakan simbol buah klasik. Orang-orang seperti Double Bubble, salah satu slot video paling populer, menggunakan fitur dan simbol klasik sambil tetap memberikan pengalaman pemintalan modern kepada pemain.

Mesin Slot Seperti yang Kita Kenal

Pada tahun 1963, Bally Manufacturing berhasil memproduksi slot tanpa tuas yang dipasang di samping. Sebagai mesin slot elektromekanis pertama, mesin ini dapat menghadiahkan koin secara otomatis tanpa bantuan petugas. Disebut Money Honey, mesin slot ini membuka jalan bagi permainan elektronik masa depan.

Pengenalan Slot Video

Meskipun Bally Manufacturing berhasil membawa fungsionalitas elektronik ke adegan slot sekitar 13 tahun sebelumnya, slot video nyata pertama ditemukan pada pertengahan 70-an di California. Fortune Coin Co mengembangkan teknologi slot video pada tahun 1976, memasang tampilan pada lemari mesin slot dan mendapatkan persetujuan dari Komisi Permainan Negara Bagian Nevada.